Old Stileway Farm
Spillway without Starlings again. Not sure where they went, but they were not here. Instead a series of pictures around the farm.
Follow Jeff Bevan across Somerset
Spillway without Starlings again. Not sure where they went, but they were not here. Instead a series of pictures around the farm.
According to legend, the Holy Thorn tree at Glastonbury sprung from the staff of Joseph of Arimathea, or was it planted by the council in 1951? Either way it was a local landmark until someone...
I kept passing No.1 Crab Tree Drove, Glastonbury, each day travelling back and forth to the Starlings. I idea of a small caravan in the middle of a massive field on the levels appealed...
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner can carry about 250 passengers. This blog was viewed about 1,400 times in...
The winter has arrived bringing a brief flurry of snow last week. This week a clear evening brought a morning mist over Avalon and the Somerset Levels towards Glastonbury Tor. The images were taken...
Only a couple of days into November and a very early snowfall covers parts of Somerset around the Mendip Hills. It was a warm day and I went for a run in the morning....
The Deerleap Tree has little time to show its autumn colours. Sitting on top of a windy hill its leaves soon blow away.
Beacon Hill in Somerset is a wonderful wood. This week it has reached the peak of its autumn colour in a year that saw the wet summer months generate the best colours ever!