Category: Westhay Moor

Water Water Everywhere

A mute swan paddles slowly across a lake that used to be a field.  This was just one of delights seen on a walk along North Chine Drove near Wedmore in Somerset.   This...

Mute Swans - Westhay Moor, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_1051

Swan Field

Across Westhay Moor on the Somerset Levels are a series of flat fields.  Each field seems to have been assigned its own type of bird.  One field for the cattle egrets, one for the...

Pollarded Willows at Dawn - Westhay Moor, Somerset, UK. ID JB_6462

Willow Line

Pollarded Willows Before dawn and the sun glows from behind Glastonbury Tor. After a long cold wait the sun finally appears. At last some more warmth. And finally… A large flock of starlings from...

Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola) - Westhay Moor, Somerset Levels, UK. ID MG_0453


After my last post about hornets, it was time to recover with pictures of something much friendlier and that does not sting.  So this is a rare bird post for me. I saw these...

Hornet (Vespa crabro) - Westhay Moor, Somerset Levels, UK. ID MG_0223

Westhay Hornets

The other day I was at Westhay Moor on the Somerset Levels when I came across a small group of very large hornets.  After spending several scary minutes trying to photograph I had to...

Old Farm House - Westhay Moor, Somerset Levels, UK. ID MG_5005

Westhay Moor

Recently I have been visiting Tealham, Tadham and Aller moors.  They are fabulous, but they have a neighbouring moor connected to them via the North Drain.  This neighbour can only be Westhay Moor.  ...