Category: Westhay

Bridges over Troubled Waters

Joining Westhay with Wedmore is a road called Blakeway.  It cuts across the flat ground of the Somerset Levels.  Apart from a couple of sharp bends near Sweets Tea Rooms this is a very...

Buzzard on a pile of manure - Westhay, Somerset Levels, UK. ID MG_8555

Westhay Bridge

There is a road that runs north from of the village of Westhay in Somerset.  The OS maps call this Main Road.  While Google maps calls it Blakeway.   Before I noticed this conflict...

Pylons from the Main Road - Westhay, Somerset, UK. ID JB_4875H

Moor Pylons

Starlings collect on the pylons near Westhay soon after leaving their roost site at RSPB Ham Wall. Westhay Pylons I don’t think I like pylons, in nearly all my pictures I have tried hard...

Glastonbury Tor from Westhay Bridge - Westhay, Somerset, UK. ID JB_0037

Morning Brue

The River Brue flows very slowly across the Somerset Levels.  Much of its route is really straight, but a small section between Meare and Westhay is all wibbly-wobbly.  So I started a mini-project to...

Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum) on Hogweed - Westhay, Somerset, UK. ID BR56841

Westhay Moor

Back in late September I visited the showcase Somerset Wildlife Trust nature reserve of Westhay Moor. Welcome to Westhay Moor It has been a long time since I properly visited this reserve.  Back in the...

The Centenary Poppy Wave

The Centenary Poppy Wave A beautiful poppy display to commemorate the ending of the First World War. The communities of Meare and Westhay on the Somerset Levels created a beautiful and creative display. Every knitted...

Shapwick Road Garage - Westhay

Shapwick Road Garage

As we approach Starling Trail season my thoughts were dawn to Westhay and I remembered the Shapwick Road Garage. I’m fond of independent garages and I have passed this one many times but the...