Monthly Archive: May 2011
Common blue (Polyommatus icarus) – Stover Country Park, Devon, UK. JB4_4301. During our trip to Stover Country Park with the British Dragonfly Society our attention was temporarily diverted away from the Common blue damselflies...
Four-spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata) recently emerged – Stover Country Park, Devon, UK. JB4_4252. My son and I drove down to Stover Country Park to join the Devon group of the British Dragonfly Society. This...
The Urban Dictionary defines Grizzled as “Worse than grundy. The result of being exposed to something terrible for a long period of time and having the results show through your appearance and state of...
Common blue (Polyommatus icarus) – Blackmoor, Somerset, UK. ID JB4_3763. These butterflies were seen on a walk organised by the Somerset Wildlife Trust to Blackmoor and Ubley Warren that was lead by John Dickson....
Green Hairstreak (Callophyrys rubi) – Deerleap, Somerset, UK. ID JB4_3817. A pair of Green Hairstreaks were flying in circles between bramble bushes as they got faster they spiralled upwards getting closer and closer, then...
This may not be a rare butterfly in the UK, but it was a first for me at the Lynchcombe reserve for which I’m the voluntary reserve manager for the Somerset Wildlife Trust. I...
Who says bluebells grow in woods. Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) do grow in fields as long as they are not subject to too much trampling or grazing – such as here at Somerset Wildlife Trust’s...
At this time of year Wild Garlic (Ramsons) normally win the battle for best flower. This year the Wild Garlic has been crushed into second place by Hawthorn blossom. Across Mendip the Hawthorn is...