Monthly Archive: June 2012

Marbled White (Melanargia galathea) - Collard Hill, Somerset, UK. ID JB5_2530

Marble Wipeout

Not sure about Marbled White it was more like Marble Wipeout. A visit to Collard Hill in hope of seeing Large Blue Butterflies. But the rain over the last few days had taken its...

Bee x Fly Orchid (Hybrid) - Somewhere in Somerset, UK. ID JB5_2299

Bee x Fly Orchid

A trip into darkest Somerset to view this rare Bee-Fly Orchid. This is a hybrid of a Bee Orchid and a Fly Orchid. It is not an Orchid that looks like a bee fly!...

Marsh Fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia)

Flying in the Footsteps of Giants

Cerne Abbas is a small village in the beautiful hills of Dorset in the south west of the UK. If you are not familiar with the Cerne Abbas Giant then take a look at...

Dearleap Tree- Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB5_2336

Leave it to the Leaves

The Deerleap Tree After many days of dull grey weather when the tree never seemed to change I stopped taken its picture. Then a few weeks working in Holland and I return to find...