Monthly Archive: February 2021

Almshouses - Priest Row, Wells, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_2146

Wells Snow

Snow in Wells Again I cannot get out, so I was inspired to collect some of my pictures of Wells the last time we had snow. I’m not sure why this person is bending...

Snow - Lynchcombe, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB1_2920

Lynchcombe Snow

After the steep walk up the hill from my home the white landscape in the Mendip Hills looked beautiful. To begin with the weather was cloudy, but soon the low winter sun managed break...

Brambles - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_8669

Ebbor Snow

Time for a local walk to get some lockdown exercise in the snow! Normally, I would take all my photography kit on a day like today.  But I would not feel comfortable doing that...