Biddle Combe

Biddle Combe - Near Wells, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0563

Biddle Combe – Near Wells, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0563

After many weeks with no computer after pouring grapefruit juice all over it I have finally been able to create another post.

Biddle Combe

Biddle is a narrow tangled Combe that starts in the city of Wells and cuts up the slope facing slope of the Mendip to Pen Hill.

My aim today was to photograph the wood sorrel growing on the rotting trees that fill the lower combe.  But first the open valley of the combe was full of butterflies that distracted me for a long time.

Male and female orange-tip butterflies were chasing each other around.  One would rest on a flower only to be bombed by another from above.  Ocassional, one would rest long eonough for me to grab a picture.

Orange-tip butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines) - Biddle Combe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0449

Orange-tip butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines) – Biddle Combe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0449

The green-viewed whites we much slower and did not seem to mind being photographed too much.

Green-viened white (Pieris napi) - Biddle Combe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0412

Green-viened white (Pieris napi) – Biddle Combe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0412

Now and again a brimstone would pass by.

Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) - Biddle Combe, Somerst, UK. ID IMG_0553

Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) – Biddle Combe, Somerst, UK. ID IMG_0553

Wood Sorrel

After the open meadow the combe side close in and trees crisscross over the small stream.

Wild Garlic - Biddle Combe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0580

Wild Garlic – Biddle Combe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0580

I struggled to find any really good patches of wood sorrel.

Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) - Biddle Combe, Wells, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0594

Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) – Biddle Combe, Wells, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0594


Spring Path - Biddle Combe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0948

Spring Path – Biddle Combe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0948

Higher up the valley the steep slopes were covered in bluebells and ferns.

Woodland Bridge - Biddle Combe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0887

Woodland Bridge – Biddle Combe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0887

As you approach the stop and start to leave the Combe their are large open meadows of bluebells.

Bluebells - Biddle Combe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0881

Bluebells – Biddle Combe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0881

And Finally…

Who can resist a rainbow.  Could this combe becoming the next Wayford Woods?

Rainbow Grotto - Biddle Combe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0904

Rainbow Grotto – Biddle Combe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0904


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