Shepton Montague
Shepton Montague
This is a tiny village of only a couple of hundred people set deep in the countryside of South Somerset. Many thanks to the farmer who kindly let me scramble up his steep field to take this picture.
After my visit to Pitcombe, where I was surprised by their beautiful display of snowdrops at the church, I realised that I had not checked out the church down the road at Shepton Montague.
I cycle down this valley to avoid the steep hills around the town of Bruton. But here the church is off my normal route down a narrow lane and out of sight.
I’m not sure how I missed it out, there are plenty of clues in the village with patches of snowdrops everywhere.
I new the snowdrop season was coming to an end. I had to hunt around for some fresh flowers. But you can see several flowers turning brown in the photographs.
Along with Pitcombe this spot is on my list for next February.