Lynchcombe Snow
After the steep walk up the hill from my home the white landscape in the Mendip Hills looked beautiful.
To begin with the weather was cloudy, but soon the low winter sun managed break through.
I’m a volunteer warden for the Lynchcombe nature reserve. This is my local patch, so I felt happy walking here during lockdown.
In the valley, the combe, it was a winter wonderland.
While Lynchcombe has lots of woodland and grassland, it also provides wide open views across the Somerset Levels.
Beyond the village of Westbury-sub-Mendip are the snow covered Chalcroft, Windmill and Lodge hills.
And Finally…
Checking the snow is great way to find out what wildlife is about. I watched this fox run around, but only got to capture its footprints on camera. I think it had been chasing a brown hare.