Please help the Large Blues!
Large Blue (Maculinea arion) – Collard Hill, Somerset, UK. ID JB5_2930
Due to the rapid grass flowering, following the recent wet period, many Wild Thyme flowers are swamped and inaccessible to egg-laying females.
As you walk around the site please carefully pull the vegetation around the Wild Thymes flowers so that the females can get to them. This will ensure that eggs are laid right across the site and more Large Blues will emerge next year.
This was the request from the National Trust at Collard Hill. Thanks to all who helped as the grass was very tall. Of course this made butterfly photography even harder. Little hope of a clear line of sight as the butterflies settled on the ground. Instead I managed to capture this Large Blue in a Hawthorn bush. The slope was so step and slippery after the rain that you needed someone to hold onto while you took your pictures. Unfortunately, my son was too busy taking his own pictures!