Starling Trail
In stark contrast to the red skies of yesterday the weather today was dark and grey. At RSPB Ham Wall the starlings return to their roosting site via the backdrop of the Glastonbury Tor.
I had hoped the starlings would drop into the reeds on the far side of the Avalon Hide, but one by one each flock headed south. I made a dash around the wood to their recent roost site near the first platform.
Thousands of starlings were diving down into the reed bed. A storm of birds against a moody sky.
That image is made from multiple exposures taken over just half a second. I hoped this image would convey a sense of the experience.
Then to my surprise the birds that had flown south started to return. Looping streams of birds heading back to the roost site that has been their favourite this winter.
Huge flocks arrived over the trees.
Each time I thought that must be the last flock another would appear. It was truly astonishing to witness.