Red Dawn at Lynchcombe
Its Christmas morning and it’s cloudy. These pictures were taken a couple of days ago. I hope you like them, Jeff.
Happy Christmas
Early in the morning a beautiful deep red sky above the Lynchcombe nature reserve. This Somerset Wildlife Trust sits on the south east facing edge of the Mendip Hills. Capturing the sunrise here is difficult as other than at the shortest days of the year the sun rises behind the nearby hills.
It is hard to imagine a deeper red sky.
This edge of Mendip has stunning views across the Somerset Levels. The light was like a giant pink soft box.
Looking across the lynchetts of the ancient long gone farmstead.
From the same spot, looking back up the hill to the sycamore trees bathed in red.
After taking pictures for a couple of hours the sun finally appears.
And finally…
Walking back through Cook’s Fields and looking across Deerleap towards the car park.