Stockhill Wood in Winter
I have a mini-project this year to photograph the Stockhill Wood high up on the Mendip Hills in Somerset.
I’m hoping to capture rays in the mist that hangs around at the top of the Mendips. Today there was mist, but I had to wait for a delivery at home and I was a bit too late reaching the woods.
The wood has a ancient history of lead mining which has created a landscape of steep deep pots, and many lumps and dumps. Since the mining days the wood has been developed by the Forestry Commission. As a result much the area is now covered in dense lines of conifers. But across the wood are lots of glades.
Today these glades were frost traps.
A miniture winter landscape that we have not seen much of during this year’s mild winter.
As evening approached the sun cut through the sides of the wood.
The low evening sun found a corner of the wood to illuminate it with warm light rays.
Next to the busy road I had to time my pictures carefully to avoid including a passing car.