Wood Sorrel

Wood Sorrel - Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8179

Wood Sorrel – Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8179

Stockhill Wood is a very popular walking destination, where tracks provide easy routes.  It can be found high in the Mendip Hills of Somerset, not far from the village of Priddy.

Much of the wood is a dark conifer plantation, but the central area where the trees have been thinned and allowed to grow old you can find all sorts of flowers and wildlife.

I wanted to photograph the white wood sorrel flowers.  Their clover like leaves cover hidden corners of the woodland floor away from too many walkers and cyclists.

A carpet of wood sorrel in the small clearing in the middle of the woods.

Wood Sorrel - Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7513

Wood Sorrel – Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7513

The flowers are only a few centimetres tall and grow in clumps across the woods.

Wood Sorrel - Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7078

Wood Sorrel – Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7078

They like the base of trees…

Wood Sorrel - Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7567

Wood Sorrel – Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7567

… and old tree stumps.

Wood Sorrel - Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7803

Wood Sorrel – Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7803

They are a beautiful little flower.  But in the slightest breeze they bounce around making them very difficult to photograph.

Wood Sorrel - Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8185

Wood Sorrel – Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8185

So you wait, and wait, for the wind to drop and the sun to come out.

Wood Sorrel - Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7169

Wood Sorrel – Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7169

And finally…

I made several visits to the wood over a few weeks to photograph the wood sorrel.  I had the chance to play with my new tripod that allows the camera to get down low to the ground.

Wood Sorrel - Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7526

Wood Sorrel – Stockhill Woods, Priddy, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7526

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