Tree on Fire
A few days ago I made a second attempt at capturing a sunset behind the Deerleap Tree. This time I decided to try out the Sun Seeker iPhone app which I forgot to use last time. This app’s party piece is its virtual reality 3D view of the predicted path of the sun. It took some time for the app to settle down. The iPhone digital compass needed calibrating which this involves a strange figure-of-eight dance. I’m not sure what this achieves, but whilst the display did work but it was difficult to get a consistent view. This screen shot shows it was amazingly accurate – eventually!
The sun sets so quickly even at the northern latitudes of the UK. The following series of pictures cover around 5 minutes and show the sequence of the sunset. Its all about being ready in the right place at the right time.
Time: 20:53 – The tree is on fire!
And finally…
My son who had been waiting with me for half an hour decided to run around the tree. This act of trespass does illustrate the large size of the tree.