Dark Greens at Blackmoor
So I came to Blackmoor to find the dark green fritillaries. I had never seen one and was beginning to think they were a fantasy butterfly that did not really exist. But, as you may have guessed from this post’s thumbnail I finally got to see my very first dark green.
And this was my first photograph…
Every few minutes it would return to the same patch of wild thyme. So all I had to do was lye on the ground and wait for it to return. That was it for the first day, and it was more than enough to go home very happy.
A few days later I returned to find more and more dark greens.
They are called dark green because of the colour of their underwing. Its was not very green.
Turned out that a patch of field scabious was one of their favourite spots.
Soon there were groups of dark greens all after the same plants.
Eventually, some would break away to find their own flower.
It was wonderful to see so much of the butterfly that to me had been illusive for so many years.
A wonderful, and very hot meadow, in which to watch butterflies.
On almost every flower!
And finally…
A portrait of the once illusive dark green fritillary on its favourite flower.