Westbury Beacon
Westbury Beacon
This is a small patch of grassland on the southern edge of the Mendip Hills in Somerset. That would be good enough to warrant a visit, but what makes it even better is that it is a butterfly reserve and one of the few places on the Mendips where chalk-hill blues fly.
It has not always been a nature reserve. On the reserve are huts and rusting machinery left behind from some of its previous roles. It has views that stretch 50 miles across the Somerset Levels.
I was hoping to see butterflies in the sky. But as I arrived there was a red kite floating above the reserve. A few years ago kites were not seen on Mendip. Today I see them regularly, and have spotted four together on the ground not far from Wells.
It was not chalk-hill blues that I found but surprisingly it was marbled whites. It is really late in the season to see these.
Unsurprisingly, common blues were common across the reserve.
I also found a small copper, resting on some very dry grass.