Starling Trail
I was very pleased with this picture taken recently at RSPB Ham Wall. It shows a group of visitors at the first viewing platform enjoying a fabulous starling display. I got this image by accident, a few seconds earlier I was standing at the front of this group but moved to the back to photograph the flocks arriving high over Walton Heath. When I heard the joy of the crowd I turned around and grabbed the picture.
Today I would not have been able to get that picture as the reserve was covered in thick fog.
In the fog you could still spot the brand new benches installed by the RSPB. They also cleared a stretch of brambles to improve the view across Walton Heath. Thank you.
In the fog a great white egret jumps out across the canal.
It was an atmospheric view across the marsh. It least I could just make out a single duck in the distance.
To stand any chance to watching the starlings I had to get close. I took a risk and walked around the track that follows the edge of Walton Heath. There are only a few gaps between the trees where I could get a view.
The flocks did get bigger. But I could just about hear that most of the birds had flown over to the roost site north of the viewing platform. It was too late to move, and too foggy to see anything from the viewing platform.
Luckily, it was not long before some large group descended into the reeds on Walton Heath.
It was much darker than this picture suggests. The reeds were black with so many birds packed together.
In the fog the birds continue to roll through the reeds.