Snow Drops on Snowdrops

Snowdrops in snow - St Cuthberts Church, Wells, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_1523

Snowdrops in snow – St Cuthberts Church, Wells, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_1523

My last post about the cold snap that brought springtime snow to Somerset.  This time focusing on snowdrops.  Who doesn’t like a snowdrop in snow?

Snowdrops in Snow - Priddy, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_3673

Snowdrops in Snow – Priddy, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_3673

The combination of thick snow that hid most flowers, and the lateness of the snowdrop season, meant I had to look around for flowers that had managed to peak through the snow.

Snowdrops in Snow - Priddy, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_3666

Snowdrops in Snow – Priddy, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_3666

Priddy was my best hope as there was plenty of snow, and the flowers are often late high up in the hills.

Snowdrops in Snow - Priddy, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_3646

Snowdrops in Snow – Priddy, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_3646

This was the first one that I found.  It was in a group that grows on the verge near the Hunters Inn.  Virtually all the others nearby were completely covered in snow.

Snowdrops in the Snow - Priddy, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_2818

Snowdrops in the Snow – Priddy, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_2818

And finally…

As snowdrops disappear, it is time for daffodils, primroses and celandines.

Daffodils in Snow - Priddy, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_3775

Daffodils in Snow – Priddy, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_3775


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