Lynchcombe Steps

Blackberries - Lynchcombe, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID IMB_5574

Blackberries – Lynchcombe, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID IMB_5574

I have been out of the country for a few weeks and have come back to rubbish weather and lots and lots of blackberries.

Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID JB1_7840

Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus) – Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID JB1_7840

Blackberries cover every bramble bush on the Lynchcombe nature reserve that sits on the south edge of the Mendip Hills in Somerset.

Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina) - Lynchcombe, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7989

Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina) – Lynchcombe, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7989


I was also delighted to see a group of second brood brimstone butterflies.  It seems they do not just welcome the arrival of spring but also the start of autumn.

Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7464

Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) – Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7464


Like many parts of the countryside the reserve has lots of mites and ticks.  This bumblebee had a thick collar of mites.

Bumblebee loaded with mites - Lynchcombe, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8009

Bumblebee loaded with mites – Lynchcombe, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8009

And finally…

It is not just blackberries but sloes are also everywhere.

Slow (Prunus spinosa) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 804_7757

Sloe (Prunus spinosa) – Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 804_7757

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