Autumn Lady’s-Tresses

Dawn at Deerleap - Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_6845

Dawn at Deerleap – Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_6845

For a few mornings I have popped up the hill to the Deerleap picnic site, and followed the sheep over to Cooks Fields.  I headed out before sunrise to capture the first light on a tiny white orchid called Lady’s Autumn Tresses.

Autumn Ladys-tresses (Spiranthes spiralis) - Cooks Fields, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8389

Autumn Ladys-tresses (Spiranthes spiralis) – Cooks Fields, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8389

Finally, the weather improved and the sun peered over the dry-stone walls to reach the dew covered grass.  The dewdrops from the previous night were now sparking.  But to me it was the small groups of white orchids that really shone.

Autumn Ladys-tresses (Spiranthes spiralis) - Cooks Fields, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8491

Autumn Ladys-tresses (Spiranthes spiralis) – Cooks Fields, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8491

These orchids grow underground for around 8 years before they break out of the soil.   They only flower every few years and if the weather is poor they may not bother at all.  Luckily this year they must have loved the weather.

Autumn Ladys-tresses (Spiranthes spiralis) - Cooks Fields, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8715

Autumn Ladys-tresses (Spiranthes spiralis) – Cooks Fields, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8715

And finally…

An arty shot from low down on the ground.  It goes to show how small these flowers can be.

Autumn Ladys-tresses (Spiranthes spiralis) - Cooks Fields, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8652

Autumn Ladys-tresses (Spiranthes spiralis) – Cooks Fields, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8652

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