Night-time at Tealham Moor
After a couple of morning visits to Tealham Moor. But today I got up way too early and when I arrived it was still night.
The moon was full, I had forgotten that so it was a great surprise.

Full moon over Tealham Moor from Jacks Drove Bridge – Tealham Moor, Nr Wedmore, Somerset, UK. ID MG_1704
Towards the east the horizon was starting to glow. High in the sky Venus was shining bright.
Checking my phone app, Mercury should have just been visible on the horizon. Sadly, I never saw it,.
Gradually the colours grew more red.
It was an amazing sky. All reflected in the still waters of the North Drain.
When the sun rose above the horizon it was hidden by clouds.
Each morning this swan would enter the water in the distance and swim towards the bridge where I was standing. It would meet up with another group of swans that had spent each night on the other side of the bridge.
And finally…
It was harder to get these pictures than it may seem. The air was full of large black flies, they repeatedly put themselves in front of my camera! So many pictures were ruined.