Westhay Hornets
The other day I was at Westhay Moor on the Somerset Levels when I came across a small group of very large hornets. After spending several scary minutes trying to photograph I had to give up. They just flew too fast and constantly changed direction.
A different approach was needed. Luckily, the next day I found their nest. It took a long time, and I did not want to leave the footpaths, but now all I had to do was sit back and watch them come and go. They were still really quick but at least I could stop running around.
Of course, standing only a few feet away you have to be very careful. These are very big wasps with a big sting!
Later I found another nest. This time there were a lot more hornets. Pretty cool, it makes you feel a bit uncomfortable when you are so close. Best to keep your distance!