Mendip, Mud, Moss & Mist

Waldegrave Pond - Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_8741

Waldegrave Pond – Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_8741

I thought it would be a good idea to go up to the Mendip Hills and try and get some pictures of Stockhill Wood in the mist.  Driving up Old Bristol Road it looked more like a river.  The road was covered in stones and mud that had washed out of the New Cut. There had clearly been a lot of rain over night.  Now it was all making its way down to the Somerset Levels.

On the top of the Mendip Hills the Waldegrave Pond was overflowing into the nearby sink hole.

Waldegrave Pond - Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9252

Waldegrave Pond – Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9252

May be it was this disruption that forced hundreds of newts to shelter around the edge of the pond.  I was particularly excited to see lots of water scorpions.  The newts seemed interested in them too. It was tricky getting good light and focus through the muddy water so this one was changed to black and white.

Water scorpion (Nepa cinerea) - Waldegrave Pond, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9345

Water scorpion (Nepa cinerea) – Waldegrave Pond, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9345

In the wood some refreshing orange pools of flood water.

Stockhill Woods - Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9670

Stockhill Woods – Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9670

Sadly the wood has been hit by a destructive tree disease.  The weather, the loss of trees, and deep tracks cut in to the muddy ground created a post-apocalyptic appearance.  Of course this work has to be done.  Hopefully in a few years things will be back to normal – even better!

Stockhill Woods - Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9630

Stockhill Woods – Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9630

Until then the clearings will create a habitat for birds, mammals and insects.

Stockhill Woods - Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9611

Stockhill Woods – Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9611

Moss looks at its best in mist.  A rare gap of the cloud cover brings out the bright green.

Stockhill Woods - Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9735

Stockhill Woods – Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9735

Scattered throughout the wood are young beech trees. Hanging on to their golden leaves over winter they create a much needed splash of colour.

Stockhill Woods - Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9509

Stockhill Woods – Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9509

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