Starling Trail
As the number of birds rose to one million we were treated to one of the best ever Starling displays at Ham Wall on the Somerset Levels. Helped by clear winter skies and an unexpected bird scarer the birds circled around the reed bed for half an hour in front of the RSPB viewing platform.

One Million Starlings

… and a beautiful sunset.
Initially the birds flew past the first viewing platform and over to the north of the reserve. We followed them down running along the footpath. Then behind the trees they turned and flew over our heads back to the first platform – so we ran back! I was getting too hot in my winter gear so I was pleased to see the birds descend into the reed bed.

Starlings descend into the Reed bed.
As the Starlings settled for the night a bird scarer shot-out from a neighbouring farm and all the birds lifted into the air. They stayed low over the water creating fantastic reflections.

Scared Starlings lift back into the air.

Flying low and fast over the water
As the birds settled again we took the opportunity to join the RSPB as the night became too dark to take photographs.

… and finally peace returned to the reserve.