Starling Trail
Sometimes its a good idea to cycle to the Starlings at Ham Wall. This avoids the rush to leave the car park, and gives you the freedom to travel up and down the full length of the reserve quickly (taking care when busy!). Today was such a day. I parked near by to cycle to Ham Wall and then discovered I has left my cycling helmet at home. I hate not wearing my hat. However, it was mainly off road on the reserve so I felt safe enough to continue.
I had heard that the birds were roosting deep in the Loxtons so I decided to cycle down to the end of the reserve then around to Sharpham (past the tea rooms) where I locked up my bike and walked to Sharpham Moor nature reserve on Street Heath. This is a Somerset Wildlife Trust reserve which is very small but has open access from near Avalon Farm. It is damp as woodland surrounded by peat works.
As is often the way despite having a fun evening I was frustrated as the birds returned back to the Waltons on Ham Wall. A few distant photographs of the murmuration was the best I could get.
Note: If you venture off the main drove through the Avalon Marshes make sure its a public path, or you have permission and know where you are going!