Waltons Heath
The Waltons Heath on the RSPB Ham Wall nature reserve in Somerset is not just about starlings. It is also a beautiful landscape.
There is a saying that when an outdoor photographer has a creative block they wonder around looking for inspiration and end up photographing brambles.
Brambles are of course everywhere and here are a few pictures I took today. At this time of year they come in a wide range of colours.
Leaves do look better backlit.
A change from brambles..
The resident robin at the first viewing platform provided some entertainment.
The White House
The white house is on the road next to the RSPB car park. It must be in a million starling photographs.
Vampire Reed
Anybody who has read about vampires knows they lack a reflection. These are vampire reeds. The golden water of the sunset could not provide reflections.
Golden Sunset
A bench around the back of the Waltons Heath provided the perfect view-spot for capturing the beautiful sunset.
On this calm day the water was as flat as a mirror – two sunsets for the price of one.
Starling droppings were the only thing disturbing the mirror perfect reflections.
After the Sunset
Never leave a sunset for at least 2o minutes. Today, after the sun had set the sky took on a whole new range of deep colours.
And Finally
The view from a bench.
I assume you have guessed – the vampire picture was flipped up-side-down.