Starling Trail
Its Christmas time and this means everyone else in the house gets up late. So I can sneak out while its still dark and head off to RSPB Ham Wall to watch the starlings leave their roost.
Today I headed for the far south-west corner of Waltons Heath for a view towards Glastonbury Tor. In the mornings most birds head-off southward so I hoped to capture each wave of birds reflected in the long strip of water that runs the full length of the Waltons.
A mist was obscuring the view of Glastonbury Tor. It was looking like a mistake but it gradually cleared. Only to leave an ugly line of cloud cutting straight through the tower. But I have a rule – when I make a plan I stick to it.
After half-an-hours wait on my own several roost lifted at the same time. When one group bursts into the air it often triggers other groups to make the leap.
Every few minutes another wave of birds took-off.
Yet another wave.
And Finally
The last few birds leave Ham Wall.