Lynchcombe Steps
As the year makes the transition from spring to summer I expected to see a dip in the number of records on my butterfly survey across Lynchcombe.
At this time of year hawthorn is in blossom across this Somerset Wildlife Trust reserve.
To get to Lynchcombe you walk down through the popular Deerleap field high on the Mendip Hills.
Deerleap is famous for its picnic site, that appeared in the film Hot Fuzz, and its panoramic views across the Somerset Levels. But Deerleap is a wonderful location for wildlife in its own right.
Green Hairstreak
Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi) is a beautiful small green butterfly. I don’t think they wonder around very much as I saw this one only a couple of feet away from where I saw its parents last year.
The transect passes by this hawthorn bush in the hedge that separates Lynchcombe from Deerleap. I hoped to see these green butterflies today, but they are hard to spot against the green leaves. If it had not been in the same place as last year I’m not sure if I would has seen them.
The summer butterflies such as common blue, skippers and marbled whites are not yet here. The spring butterflies such as orange-tip and brimstone are no longer around so the number of butterflies on the transect were low.
I was delighted to see this Small heath (Coenonympha pamphilus) butterfly at the top of the reserve. I saw it in the corner of my eye before is bunkered down in the grass.
Lynchcombe does not have any standing water but a handful of dragonflies pass through the reserve.
There are sheep grazing the reserve to keep the grass short and carefully nibble around the flowers.
And Finally…
A look back over Lynchcombe with Glastonbury Tor in the distance.