Lynchcombe Steps

Lynchcombe looked beautiful in the blue skies of late summer.

Lynchcombe - Somerset, UK. ID lynchcombe_pan17

Lynchcombe – Somerset, UK. ID lynchcombe_pan17

Small Coppers

The small coppers were still around having moved from the open grassland down into the combe.

Small Copper (Lycaeena phlaeas) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. 823_2580

Small Copper (Lycaeena phlaeas) on Travellers Joy (Clematis vitalba) – Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. 823_2580

The brown argus  have followed their every step.  Both butterflies were feeding together in the open grassland now they were are feeding together on the same thicket down in the combe.

Brown Argus (Aricia agestis) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_2605

Brown Argus (Aricia agestis) on Travellers Joy (Clematis vitalba) – Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_2605

Is it a coincidence that both travelled all that way to get to travellers joy?  At this time of year it is covered in flowers that will soon turn into old man’s beards.  It can be found across the reserve scrambling across the tops of hedgerows forming a dense cover.


They are still around but looking duller each day.

Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_2531

Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus) – Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_2531


I was really pleased to see several brown hawkers hanging around in the reserve.

Brown Hawker (Aeshna grandis) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823

Brown Hawker (Aeshna grandis) – Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823

Autumn is Coming

The colours are already beginning to turn and golden bracken was appearing across the reserve.

Autumn Bracken - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_2615

Autumn Bracken – Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_2615

The mighty oaks have produced their little acorns.

English Oak (Quercus robur) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_2565

English Oak (Quercus robur) – Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_2565

Many were covered by Knopper Oak galls.

Knopper Oak Gall - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_2543

Knopper Oak Gall – Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_2543

And Finally…

Having done their bit for nature by grazing the reserve all summer the sheep say goodbye to Lynchcombe.

Sheep passing through - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_2863

Sheep leave the reserve – Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_2863

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