Ditcheat Folly
An unexpectedly bright evening came as a surprise, so camera ready I had to go out and make the most of the autumn weather. I decided to go up Pennard Hill hoping to see long evening shadows drawing lines across the levels. This idea turned to folly when the distant view from the top of the hill was too hazy.
Before going up the hill I stopped off to photograph the church. Earlier the clouds were thinner creating patterns like that of the sand after the tide has gone out. Disappointingly, the clouds had now started to merge spoiling the blue autumn sky.
Ditcheat Hill
From the top of the hill you can look down on the village and the church
A little further along the road, after a gallop, is a red brick folly. I do not think this has ever been a real building, but I could find little about its history on the internet.
Looking at Google’s pictures the folly has been repaired recently returning it to its original delapidated state.