Glastonbury Spectre

Yesterday, during my visit to the top of Glastonbury Tor I saw something very strange.

Morning Mist - From Glastonbury Tor, Somerset, UK. ID 823_6866

Morning Mist – From Glastonbury Tor, Somerset, UK. ID 823_6866

First I saw the shadow of the Tor on the top of the fog.  Then I noticed my own shadow on the top of the hill next to the tower.  These were interesting to see but easy to explain.

Then when I looked more closer I could see a circular rainbow glow around my shadow.

Glastonbury Halo

This is one of the eerie pictures I took of the rainbow-like halo around my larger than life shadow.  It was taken in the mist at the top of Glastonbury Tor a few minutes after dawn.

Halo - From Glastonbury Tor, Somerset, UK. ID 823_6912

Halo – From Glastonbury Tor, Somerset, UK. ID 823_6912

The Science Bit

It appears this is the rare phenomenon called a Brocken Spectre.  They appear when the sun is low in the sky and shines behind a person creating a shadow in the tops of clouds.

They only occur when the sun is directly behind your back, and when the mist contains enough water droplets to make the rainbow effect.

In the next picture, on the left is the shadow of the church tower to the right is my much smaller shadow.  You can just make out a double spectre around it.

Double Brocken Spectre - From Glastonbury Tor, Somerset, UK. ID 823_6866

Double Brocken Spectre – From Glastonbury Tor, Somerset, UK. ID 823_6866

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