Lynchcombe Steps
At the moment my day job, designing software and web sites, has been keeping me very busy. At such times it is hard to get out and take pictures. But after a long day at work I had to get out for a walk. Where better than up the hill for an evening stroll around Lynchcombe and across the southern edge of the Mendip Hills to Cook’s Fields.
These are both reserves of the Somerset Wildlife Trust, and I have been a volunteer warden on Lynchcombe for the past 10 years – so have got to know well. Even so there were lots of things I have not photographed.
Stone Walls
Parking at the picnic site on Deerleap I was drawn to his stone style which I have seen a thousand times and never got around to photographing. These styles look wonderful and its too easy to believe they have been here for centuries. But I have been told they were built in the 1970s.
The reserve has several small patches of woodland on the steps hillside. Walking the hills around here quickly gets you fit.
This is more like what you expect to see on Lynchcombe. This evenings the low light did a great job of highlighting the ridges in the landscape – the lynchetts, after which the reserve gets its name.
Cook’s Field
I have seen several pictures of these gates on the internet, and on a day of firsts I had never photographed these before. By now the evening light was turning golden.
And Finally…
Like Lynchcombe, Cook’s Fields has its patch of sycamores. These trees are a local landmark – another one that I rarely photograph.