Dawn on Folly Hill

Ditcheat Folly - Pennard Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 826_0042

Ditcheat Folly – Pennard Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 826_0042

Looking a bit like the relic of an ancient Thunder Bird this brick folly sits on top of Ditcheat Hill (143m) looking out over the Somerset Levels.  I like this brick folly.  Access is open via a footpath that crosses a field that has beautiful distant views across Somerset.

A couple of days ago I missed the opportunity to capture the sunrise behind the folly.  Today the weather forecast was hopefully going to give me a second chance.

15 Minutes

Sunrise is over quickly.  This series of pictures shows how the colours of the sky change from minute to minute.

While its still dark a glow rings the eastern horizon.

6:40am Dawn at Ditcheat Folly - Ditcheat Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 826_0063

6:40am Dawn at Ditcheat Folly – Ditcheat Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 826_0063

Light reaches the clouds, which in turn create their own shadows on other clouds.

6:46am Dawn at Ditcheat Folly - Ditcheat Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 826_0068

6:46am Dawn at Ditcheat Folly – Ditcheat Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 826_0068

The colours brighten and deepen.

6:49am Dawn at Ditcheat Folly - Ditcheat Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 826_0071

6:49am Dawn at Ditcheat Folly – Ditcheat Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 826_0071

The colours turn red while the sun is still well below the horizon.  It will another 10mins before it should appear.

6:51am Dawn at Ditcheat Folly - Ditcheat Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 826_0075

6:51am Dawn at Ditcheat Folly – Ditcheat Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 826_0075

As the sun rises more wavelengths reach the clouds.  The deep red disappear as the clouds being to whiten.

6:54am Dawn at Ditcheat Folly - Ditcheat Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 826_0080

6:54am Dawn at Ditcheat Folly – Ditcheat Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 826_0080

Behind the hill the sun has already risen.

6:55am Dawn at Ditcheat Folly - Ditcheat Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 826_0082

6:55am Dawn at Ditcheat Folly – Ditcheat Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 826_0082

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