Tagged: Argynnis paphia

Lynchcombe - Somerset, UK. ID IMG_6722

Lynchcombe Steps

Now the schools have broken up for the summer heat wave is coming to an end.  But it was still a beautiful, cooler, day up in the Mendip Hills at Lynchcombe. The Wall At...

Nursery Web Spider (Pisaura mirabilis) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 825_3912

Lynchcombe Steps

The grassland of the Lynchcombe nature reserve on the Mendip Hills is looking cooked. The sides of the central combe (valley) are brown but the sheltered trees are still looking good.  I like this...

Humming bird Hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 825_4246

Peacocks and Humming Birds

Sorry, no birds just butterflies and moths. Lynchcombe At the moment the Lynchcombe nature reserve on the Mendip Hills of Somerset is like a butterfly farm.  They certainly seem to be enjoying the hot...

Golden Bracken - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 825_3273

Lynchcombe Steps

Some Like It Hot The heat wave goes on and on.  I really like it.  But the grass that was very very long early in the year is now very very long and brown.  Still...

Silver-washed Fritillary (Argynnis paphia) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 825_4692

Lynchcombe Steps

Before 2013 I had not seen any silver-washed fritillaries on Lynchcombe.  This year I have recorded 10 already. Silver-washed Fritillary In 2013 and 2014 I counted 1 silver-washed fritillary.  Then came two poor years...

Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID DSC_2788

Lynchcombe Steps

Back to Lynchcombe and the reserve’s only buddleia bush stole the show. The buddleia is known as the butterfly bush and it lived up to its name as silver-washed fritillaries danced around it flowers.  I’m...

Small Copper (Lycaeena phlaeas) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. 823_1405

Lynchcombe Steps

Another butterfly transect on Lynchcombe and it feels like the beginning of the end of the season Lynchcombe does not do end of season butterflies and they were all looking a bit worn out....

Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_0386

Lynchcombe Steps

I have been doing the Lynchcombe butterfly transect a lot this year.  This partly due to the good summer weather this year.  In the passed the weather has been so bad that it has...

Marbled White (Melanargia calathea) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_0224

Lynchcombe Steps

After the trips to Great Breach Wood it was time for Lynchcombe to demonstrate it can serve up its share of silver-washed fritillaries.  It did not disappoint. Silver-washed Fritillaries The silver-washed fritillaries were still...

Silver-washed Fritillary (Argynnis paphia) - Great Breach Wood, Somerset, UK. ID 822_8831

Silver Washed Fritillaries

After seeing silver-washed fritillary butterflies on Lynchcombe during my butterfly transect I had to make the short trip to the Great Breach Wood where I hope to see many many more. The Somerset Wildlife...