Tagged: Cathedral

Peace Doves - Wells Cathedral, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0647

Peace Doves

A flock of doves has appeared high above the nave at Wells Cathedral in Somerset. The paper doves carry messages of peace, hope, and love. Suspended in a beautiful, illuminated and musical installation. Placing...

Rainbow - Wells, Somerset, UK. ID 800_0058

Somerset Rainbows

Recently we have had day after day of dull wet weather.  We have also had starlings that cannot make their minds up on where to roost.  So I was inspired by the recent rainbow...

Wells - From Yarley Hill, Nr Henton, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7626

Yarley Hill

A few years ago I often visited to this ash tree up on the hill above the village of Yarley in Somerset.  Today, with a favourable weather forecast, I made a nostalgic trip to...

Starling Murmuration - Wells, Somerset, UK. ID JB_2891

Starling Trail

I was recently driving passed Wells on the bypass near Morrisons when a large flock of starlings flew overhead.  They were on their way to the roost at RSPB Ham Walls. I have seen...

The World - Wells Cathedral, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_2555

The Gaia World

Following the Festival of the Moon last year, the Gais world has landed in Wells Cathedral at the heart of Somerset. Visit in the evening to see the world shine at its best. Australia...

Snowdrops - Bishops Palace, Wells, Somerset, UK. ID JB_0161

Bishop’s Snowdrops

The Snowdrop Celebrations at the Bishop’s Palace have returned in Wells.  Covering five weekends starting at the end of January this is a chance to see carpets of snowdrops around the palace gardens. First...

Festival of the Moon - Wells, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_0110

Festival of the Moon

Looking up at the moon from inside Wells Cathedral. Festival of the Moon The moon appeared in Wells Cathedral as part of the Festival of the Moon. If looks surreal as it floats between...

Almshouses - Priest Row, Wells, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_2146

Wells Snow

Snow in Wells Again I cannot get out, so I was inspired to collect some of my pictures of Wells the last time we had snow. I’m not sure why this person is bending...

Glastonbury Tor - From above Wells, Mendip Hils, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_8726

Somerset Mist

A frosty start to the morning.  Looking out my window the landscape was covered in mist.  Time for a walk high up onto the Mendip to check out the view. Beautiful white mist, and...

Spring in the Park

The Somerset city is famous its cathedral, Bishop’s Palace and Vicars Close – but if you want to briefly escape the city the Palace Fields are a great place for a work. Palace Fields...