Tagged: Farmland

Rose Chafer (Cetonia aurata) - Lynchcombe, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_7826

Lynchcombe Steps

Each trip to check on the Lynchcombe nature reserve starts with a stroll by the skylarks of the Deerleap field.  You must give these birds plenty of space – especially if you have a...

Bluebells and Early Purple Orchids - Lynchcombe, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_5356

Lynchcombe Steps

Lynchcombe nature reserve enjoys the sunny south facing edge of the Mendip Hills in Somerset.  Today it was so sunny the sheep kept out of the heat under a tree.  Perhaps we have reached...

Oilseed Rape - Nr Ilchester, Somerset, UK. ID JB_4513


Bit by bit Somerset seems to be going slightly more yellow.  I’m not talking buttercups, cowslips or even primroses – but brassica plants. Confusing Brassica Brassica is a genus of plants in the cabbage...

Tealham Floods

Recent storms and heavy rain have raised the level of water across the moors of Somerset.  Some parts such as Tealham Moor now look like inland seas. When the water is lapping the edges...

Dawn over Tealham Moor - Somerset Levels, UK. ID JB_9047

Tealham Moor

I missed the autumn equinox over the weekend.  This was a shame but I had a reason, entering a cycle sportive with my son.  Nearly 50 miles around the Mendip Hills and Somerset Levels...

Sunrise through the mist - Nr Fenny Castle, Somerset, UK. ID JB_1904

Sunrise Through the Mist

This is one of my favourite finger posts.  It is so tall, not sure why as it stands in the flat lands of the Somerset Levels.  This morning the landscape was covered in mist....

Sunrise at Pen Hill - Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_4041H

Pen Hill

Pen Hill is the Mendip Hills red light district.  The mast is nearly 300m tall and sits on the top of a 300m hill in Somerset.  It is surrounded by rough grazing and dry-stone...

Starling Murmuration - Ham Wall, Somerset, UK. ID JB_2407

Starling Trail

Not every day brings the best weather for starling watching.  At RSPB Ham Wall it was dark and a bit dull.  Only directly overhead could you find a patch of blue sky.  Chance to...

Wild Garlic - Round Wood, Nr Wells, Somerset, UK. ID JB_1705

Milton Hill

I recently made a few visits to Wattles Hill near Wookey Hole in Somerset.  Around that hill are several woods, but I had no idea what the names of those woods were, or even...

Wattles Hill - Wookey Hole, Somerset, UK. ID JB_6474

Wattles Hill

Cowslips on Wattles Hills in early April. Finding these flowers in beautiful low sunlight was the first hint that Wattles Hill was something special. Wattles Hill This unassuming low hill below the much higher...