Tagged: Fox

Fox - Lynchcombe, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_8148

Lynchcombe Steps

August came and went very quickly.  This morning, it was beginning to feel like autumn.  Out on a walk around the Lynchcombe nature reserve I was on the look out for Rusty the fox....

Large Blue (Maculinea arion) - Collard Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 825_2158

Jump into June

Summer Times I love the colours of autumn, the flowers of spring, and winter snow – but the warmth of summer is very hard to beat. Hawthorn blooms across the Mendip Hills. Oxeye daisies...

Fox - Ham Wall, Somerset, UK. ID JB_6764

Starling Trail

The starlings at RSPB Ham Wall become restless.  Through the noise of a hundred thousand starlings a group of egrets make a quick get away. Just in time, moments later the huge flock of...

View from a picnic bench - Deerleap, Somerest, UK. ID DSC_3260

Lynchcombe Steps

Time to catch-up on Lynchcombe for June. Hot Summer I often see foxes on Lynchcombe, but during this June I saw them on every visit.  It was so hot that they could not be...