Tagged: Gatekeeper

Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7464

Lynchcombe Steps

I have been out of the country for a few weeks and have come back to rubbish weather and lots and lots of blackberries. Blackberries cover every bramble bush on the Lynchcombe nature reserve...

Small Heath (Coenonympha pamphilus) - Lynchcombe, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7311

Lynchcombe Steps

Late summer brings a different atmosphere to the Mendip Hills and the Lynchcombe nature reserve owned by the Somerset Wildlife Trust. Sheep graze the neighbouring nature reserve of Cooks Fields that overlook the sycamore...

Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID JB1_7483

Lynchcombe in August

The height of summer on the south facing slopes of Mendip Hills in Somerset.  On the Somerset Wildlife Trust nature reserve at Lynchcombe the musk thistles are still doing well so are the small...

Hummingbird Hawk Moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID JB1_4600

Lynchcombe in July

Lynchcombe Lynchcombe is a Somerset Wildlife Trust nature reserve high up on the sunny south facing ridge of the Mendip Hills.  This July it has been dominated by musk thistles. The nodding heads of...

Draycott Sleight

Draycott Sleights

Draycott Sleights High up on the southern ridge of the Mendip Hills the sleights with their endless views across the Somerset Levels are a big draw with photographers. This Somerset Wildlife Trust nature reserve...

Golden Bracken - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 825_3273

Lynchcombe Steps

Some Like It Hot The heat wave goes on and on.  I really like it.  But the grass that was very very long early in the year is now very very long and brown.  Still...

Old Fence - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID JB4_9266

Cooks Fields

When I leave Lynchcombe through the top gate I pass through a corner of Cook’s Fields before returning via Deerleap to the car park.  Sometimes this small corner has a big surprise such as this...

Autumn Bracken - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_2615

Lynchcombe Steps

Lynchcombe looked beautiful in the blue skies of late summer. Small Coppers The small coppers were still around having moved from the open grassland down into the combe. The brown argus  have followed their every...

Small Copper (Lycaeena phlaeas) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. 823_1405

Lynchcombe Steps

Another butterfly transect on Lynchcombe and it feels like the beginning of the end of the season Lynchcombe does not do end of season butterflies and they were all looking a bit worn out....

Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 823_0386

Lynchcombe Steps

I have been doing the Lynchcombe butterfly transect a lot this year.  This partly due to the good summer weather this year.  In the passed the weather has been so bad that it has...