Tagged: Great Breach Wood

The Vapourer (Orgyia antiqua) catapillar - Great Breach Wood, Somerset, UK. ID DSC_2491

Butterfly Glades

Great Breach Wood is a Somerset Wildlife Trust woodland in the middle of the county south of Glastonbury.  It still has lots of ash and oak trees, but today I wanted to explore its...

The Discovery Trail - Great Breach Wood, Somerset, UK. ID 808_1031

Autumn Falls

This autumn as been a fantastic.  A feast of reds, oranges and yellows. Great Breach Wood I have missed the best of the season so I wanted to get a final fix before a...

Hawthorn Colours - Great Breach Wood, Somerset, UK. ID 823_4586

Great Breach Wood

Today I visited the Somerset Wildlife Trust’s Great Breach Wood on the Polden Hills in the middle of Somerset.  I wanted to check on the progress of autumn.  How were those colours? Hawthorn Colour...

Comma (Polygonia c-album) - Great Breach Wood, Somerset, UK. ID 822_9274

Rediscovery Trail

Back on the Discovery Trail through the Great Breach Wood in the heart of Somerset. Silver-Washed Fritillaries At this time of year you cannot miss the large silver-washed fritillary butterflies gliding through the rides...

Silver-washed Fritillary (Argynnis paphia) - Great Breach Wood, Somerset, UK. ID 822_8831

Silver Washed Fritillaries

After seeing silver-washed fritillary butterflies on Lynchcombe during my butterfly transect I had to make the short trip to the Great Breach Wood where I hope to see many many more. The Somerset Wildlife...

The Discovery Trail - Great Breach Wood, Somerset, UK. ID 808_1206

Discovery Trail

Today I found autumn on the Discovery Trail at Great Breach Wood in Somerset. The trail covers parts of this Somerset Wildlife Trust. It is well marked with posts providing details of nature and...

Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni)

Backlit Butterflies

I’m always told to photography flowers and insects on cloudy days to benefit from a nice soft light.  Cloudy days in Somerset are all too common, so when the sun comes out I need to...