Tagged: Ivy

Snow - Milton, Nr Wells, Somerset, UK. ID 825_4092

Model Farm

Model Farm near wells sits in the middle of crisscrossing footpaths.  North of the small city of Wells it is surrounded by woods and hills at the end of a quiet lane. Model Snow Catching...

Comma (Polygonia c-album) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. id 807_9840

Lynchcombe Steps

In the middle of September when the hot summer days of August are still in our minds we suddenly find ourselves in autumn.  During a walk around Lynchcombe I discovered that the berries and brown colours...

Snowdrop Lawn

Snowdrop Lawn

I’m worried this is not going to be a good year for Snowdrops. The warm wet weather has caused them to brown and look washed out. This appears to be a particular problem down...