Tagged: Morning

Babcary Meadows - Somerset, UK. ID JB_8182

Babcary Meadows

Babcary is a small village deep in South Somerset those history goes back to the Domesday Book and beyond, including Wimble Toot a Bronze Age barrow. North of the village is Babcary Meadows. They...

Dawn Skies - Queens Sedge Moor, Nr Glastonbury, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9847

Return to Queen’s Sedge Moor

Early Morning My alarm went off very early in the morning.  Too early. Most mornings I pull back the curtains to check the weather.  It was grey and dull, but the clouds looked interesting....

Flooding on Queens Sedge Moor - Nr Glastonbury, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9962

Moor Flooding

After all the rain over the last few days it was no surprise that the water that fell on the Mendip Hills was going to find its way to the moors on the Somerset...

Flooding at Splotts Moor - Nr Glastonbury, Somerset, UK. ID JB_5917

Hart Lake

With all the recent flooding I visited Splotts Moor between Glastonbury and Wells in Somerset.   I pulled up near Hartlake Bridge, so to me the flooding could have restored the original Hart Lake....

Starling Dawn - Walton Heath, Ham Wall, Somerset Levels, UK. ID JB_8807

Starling Trail

I do not normally post video, put the starlings at RSPB Ham Wall in Somerset this morning were so stunning that I had to share. Before playing the video here are some things to...

Starling Dawn - Ham Wall, Somerset Levels, UK. ID JB_6651

Starling Trail

Winter Morning at Ham Wall The last weekend in November and another trip down to Ham Wall.   This time for a morning, a very cold morning. Winter telling us it had arrived with...

North Drain from Jacks Drove Bridge - Tealham Moor, Nr Wedmore, Somerset, UK. ID JB_9199

Back to Tealham Moor

I really enjoyed my previous visit to Tealham Moor. So I returned today early to catch the sunrise. There is a small bridge called, Jack’s Drove Bridge, over the North Drain.  It is a...

Sunrise through the mist - Nr Fenny Castle, Somerset, UK. ID JB_1904

Sunrise Through the Mist

This is one of my favourite finger posts.  It is so tall, not sure why as it stands in the flat lands of the Somerset Levels.  This morning the landscape was covered in mist....

Castle Farm - Fenny Castle, Somerset, UK. ID JB_6280H

Fenny Castle II

I recently posted some pictures I took of a sunrise near Fenny Castle in Somerset,  However, it was hard see the castle mound, and the village itself was no way near the picture. So...

Lewis Drove Sluice - Godney Moor, Nr Bleadney, Somerset, UK. ID JB_5428H

Lewis Drove Sluice

Sluice gates are a common sight across the Somerset Levels.  But with no posts on this blog about these important structures I decided it was time to put this right.  I planned a visit...