Tagged: National Trust

Sheep in Spring - Walton, Somerset, UK. ID JB_5571

Walton Spring

Walton This small Somerset village sits on the road just west the town called Street. Sadly, the church is yet to welcome its wilder side.  It has very few flowers, only a handful of...

Large Blue (Phengaris arion) - Collard Hill, Nr Street, Somerset, UK. ID BR59460

Collard Hill

My annual trip to the National Trust’s Collards Hill nature reserve to photograph the extremely rare large blue butterfly.  I did not know what to expect as the trust had not been running their...

Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) - Collard Hill, Somerset, UK. ID JB1_4931

Collard Hill

Collard Hill Each June I visit Collard Hill near Street in Somerset.  This year with the pandemic still raging things felt a bit different.  But in this landscape social distancing  is easy. The grassland...

Frost - Cross Plain, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB1_3668

Cross Plain

Wavering Down Standing guard on the track to Wavering Down I was persuaded to stay and photograph Cross Plain instead. There was a lot of sheep this morning – not all with the same...

Wavering Down

Recently the mists of the Somerset Levels have been breaking like waves against the southern ridge of Mendip Hills.  So I headed up Wavering Down in the hope of some more. Wavering Down At...

Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina) on Oxeye Daisies - Ivythorn Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 825_2031

Large Blue

Back to Collard Hill On my last visit to Collard Hill it was too hot to photograph butterflies.  They rarely settled, instead they flew passed quickly disappearing over the horizon.  Today, a change to more...

Small Heath (Coenonympha pamphilus) - Collard Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 825_1919

Collard Hill

Last year I visited Green Down hoping to photograph the rare large blue butterfly.  This year I decided to give Collard Hill a try. Collard Hill is owned by the National Trust and they have...

Large Blue (Maculinea arion) - Green Down, Somerset, UK. ID 822_4873

Large Blues II

The elusive large blue of Somerset. I decided to spend this week visiting Green Down as often as I could to try and experience the large blue season. Large Blues I think most of...

Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera) - Ivythorn Hill, Somerset, UK. ID 822_3526

Ivythorn Hill

I heard on Twitter that large blue butterflies have already been flying this year. This is very exciting so on the way home I stopped at Collard Hill.  However, the weather was poor and on finding...

Bumble Bee on Bluebell, Ivythorn Hill

Ivythorn Hill

Ivythorn Hill near Street, in Somerset, is mostly visited by those using the local Youth Hostel or going to Collard Hill to find Large Blue Butterflies. But it is a wonderful strip of calcareous...