Tagged: Natural England

Starling Roost - Shapwick Heath, Somerset Levels, UK. ID JB_3728

Starling Trail

The starlings have left RSPB Ham Wall and are roosting in Natural England’s Shapwick Heath nature reserve.  And they have been putting on an even better displays! Wind It was so windy today, about...

Brambles - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_8669

Ebbor Snow

Time for a local walk to get some lockdown exercise in the snow! Normally, I would take all my photography kit on a day like today.  But I would not feel comfortable doing that...

Starlings cross the sky - Shapwick Heath, UK. ID DSC_3017

Starling Trail

Starling Roost It’s a new year and the starlings have recently moved from RSPB Ham Wall to a new site in the Roughet at the far end of Natural England’s Shapwick Heath. Its been a...

Starlings - Shapwick Heath, Somerset, UK. ID 824_9880

Starling Trail

There was soft blue hue to the light over Shapwick Heath tonight as we waited for the starlings to return to their roost. Shapwick Heath All our hopes were on the starlings returning to...

Starlings over Meare Heath - Shapwick Heath, Somerset, UK. ID 824_9115

Starling Trail

Waiting for the Starlings Part of starling watching is waiting for them to arrive.  For me a big part of that is capturing the sunset.  Typically, the birds arrive after the sun has dropped...

Mute swan (Cygnus olor) - Shapwick Heath, Somerset, UK. iD 824_6114

Glastonbury Canal

Its that time of year when I need to get fit again.  So I set off on my bike for a ride on the Somerset Levels. Glastonbury Canal The Glastonbury Canal ran for  14 miles...

Starling Murmuration - Westhay Heath, Somerset, UK. id 824_7100

Starling Trail

From one end to the other, during the last week the starling roost has moved from the wilderness in the east over to Canada Farm and Westhay Heath in the far west. Canada Farm...

Heron Sculpture - Ham Wall, Somerset, UK. ID 809_4748

Starling Trail

Ham Wall Car Park For many years cars squeezed into the small car park between Shapwick Heath and Ham Wall.  When it overflowed during starling season cars would line the narrow road.  Then the RSPB...

Starling Wave - Shapwick Heath, Somerset, UK. ID DSC_7554

Starling Guide

Please observe the Covid advice from the RSPB I have been watching the starlings on the Somerset Levels for over 10 years.  I have been at Ham Wall, Shapwick Heath and Westhay Moor hundreds of...

Starlings Flock - Shapwick Heath, Somerset, UK. ID 809_0993

Starling Trail

On Wednesday I watched the starlings at Shapwick Heath on my own apart from a couple of visitors which I persuaded to follow me down the track. On Thursday I shared the starlings with a dozen...