Tagged: Pararge aegeria

Bluebells at Park Wood - Nr Wells, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8061H

Spring Stroll

Over recent weeks the weather has been wet and surprisingly cold.  So when the forecast improved for a day the only thing to do was to attempt to visit all my favourite neighbourhood woods....

Spring Revisited

Spring time and we are still in lockdown.  So I wanted to revisit some of my spring pictures from around Somerset – starting with roe deer. This is the sort of view most of...

Bluebells - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_1229

Lynchcombe Steps

Back in May I visited Lynchcombe to check on the nature reserve for which I am a volunteer warden for the Somerset Wildlife Trust.  It is September now and it has been another fascinating...

Under the bracken - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_9307

Lynchcombe Steps

I’m still catching up with posts after a long break with a broken computer and trips away from home. Lynchcombe Nature Reserve I was back up the Mendip Hills to check on the Lynchcombe...

Duncliffe Wood - Dorset, UK. ID IMG_9167

Duncliffe Wood

A bank holiday trip over the border of Somerset to Duncliffe Wood in North Dorset. Spring Morning Early spring morning in an ancient magical bluebell wood. You know that you got up early when...

Woodland Flowers - Kings Castle Wood, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_7379

King’s Castle

Kings Castle Wood This Somerset Wildlife Trust reserve sits above the small city of Wells.  The woodland floor is rich in wild flowers such as bluebells, wood anemones and wood violets. It is possible...

Sheep - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 825_7525

Lynchcombe Steps

I got back from holiday climbing mountains in the Lake District so where better to go than the steep Lynchcombe nature reserve on the edge of the Mendip Hills in Somerset. Lynchcombe Lots of...

Lynchcombe - Somerset, UK. ID IG_6653

Lynchcombe Steps

Over the years I have seen lots of dragonflies on Lynchcombe. This week was prime dragonfly season on this Somerset Wildlife Trust reserve. Sheep But as you climb over the stile into the reserve...

View from a picnic bench - Deerleap, Somerest, UK. ID DSC_3260

Lynchcombe Steps

Time to catch-up on Lynchcombe for June. Hot Summer I often see foxes on Lynchcombe, but during this June I saw them on every visit.  It was so hot that they could not be...

Large Skipper (Ochlodes sylvanus) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 825_1232

Lynchcombe Steps

After the cold spring June became very hot.  Lynchcombe soon turned green with fresh new leaves, very tall grass and lots of bracken. Lynchcombe This year dog rose was in flower in large numbers...