Tagged: Pieris brassicae

The Vapourer (Orgyia antiqua) catapillar - Great Breach Wood, Somerset, UK. ID DSC_2491

Butterfly Glades

Great Breach Wood is a Somerset Wildlife Trust woodland in the middle of the county south of Glastonbury.  It still has lots of ash and oak trees, but today I wanted to explore its...

Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID JB1_7483

Lynchcombe in August

The height of summer on the south facing slopes of Mendip Hills in Somerset.  On the Somerset Wildlife Trust nature reserve at Lynchcombe the musk thistles are still doing well so are the small...

Nursery Web Spider (Pisaura mirabilis) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID 825_3912

Lynchcombe Steps

The grassland of the Lynchcombe nature reserve on the Mendip Hills is looking cooked. The sides of the central combe (valley) are brown but the sheltered trees are still looking good.  I like this...

Dog Rose (Rosa canina) - Green Down, Somerset, UK. ID 822_4490

Green Down

The Somerset Wildlife Trust’s Green Down is a steep bank on the side of the Polden Hills in the heart of Somerset. This first view of Green Down was confusing.  It does not have the...