Tagged: Roe Deer

Autumn Dawn - Stockhill Wood, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_2247

Stockhill Mist

Probably the best weather for photographing autumn woodland is a combination of mist and a strong early morning sun.  The forecast for this morning looked hopeful.  Hopeful in the same way I hoped to...

Fox - Lynchcombe, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_0482

Lynchcombe Steps

Each week my walk around Lynchcombe nature reserve starts with a stroll along the Deerleap path.  This is the field next to the popular car park and picnic site at the top of the...

Rose Chafer (Cetonia aurata) - Lynchcombe, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_7826

Lynchcombe Steps

Each trip to check on the Lynchcombe nature reserve starts with a stroll by the skylarks of the Deerleap field.  You must give these birds plenty of space – especially if you have a...

Roe deer in Bluebells - Longwood, Somerset, UK. ID JBB_0464

Get ready for May

Spring reaches its peak in May.  This month, flowers of all colours spread across the woodland, grasslands and countryside.  Insects emerge from mayflies, dragonflies and butterflies.  Friendly rabbits nibble at the grass.  Lambs dash...

Starling Dawn - Ham Wall, Somerset Levels, UK. ID JB_6651

Starling Trail

Winter Morning at Ham Wall The last weekend in November and another trip down to Ham Wall.   This time for a morning, a very cold morning. Winter telling us it had arrived with...

Aller Moor Drove - Nr Wedmore, Somerset Levels, UK. ID MG_4223

Tadham and Aller Moors

Today I walked over to Tadham and Aller Moors neighbours of Tealham Moor.  To be honest I’m not sure where one moor finishes and the other begins – so I’ve probably labelled some or...

Dove's-foot cranesbill (Geranium molle) - Lynchcombe, Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB_1558

Lynchcombe Steps

It was time to spend some quality time on the Lynchcombe nature reserve on the edge of the Mendip Hills.  As a volunteer warden I was checking on the condition of the reserve for...

Mint Leaf Beetle (Chrysolina menthastri) - Lynchcombe, Somerset, UK. ID BR57085

Lynchcombe Spring

Could not resist another dandelion picture – its the year of the dandelion! Lynchcombe Lynchcombe sits on the steep south facing slopes of the Mendip Hills above Westbury-sub-Mendip.  I’m the volunteer warden for this...

Spring Revisited

Spring time and we are still in lockdown.  So I wanted to revisit some of my spring pictures from around Somerset – starting with roe deer. This is the sort of view most of...

Comma (Polygonia c-album) - Great Breach Wood, Somerset, UK. ID 822_9274

Rediscovery Trail

Back on the Discovery Trail through the Great Breach Wood in the heart of Somerset. Silver-Washed Fritillaries At this time of year you cannot miss the large silver-washed fritillary butterflies gliding through the rides...