Tagged: Westhay Moor

Water Water Everywhere

A mute swan paddles slowly across a lake that used to be a field.  This was just one of delights seen on a walk along North Chine Drove near Wedmore in Somerset.   This...

Mute Swans - Westhay Moor, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_1051

Swan Field

Across Westhay Moor on the Somerset Levels are a series of flat fields.  Each field seems to have been assigned its own type of bird.  One field for the cattle egrets, one for the...

Pollarded Willows at Dawn - Westhay Moor, Somerset, UK. ID JB_6462

Willow Line

Pollarded Willows Before dawn and the sun glows from behind Glastonbury Tor. After a long cold wait the sun finally appears. At last some more warmth. And finally… A large flock of starlings from...

Glossy Ibis - Westhay Moor, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_6745

Glossy Ibis

The glossy ibis was once a rare vagrant to the UK but recently it is appearing more and more.  Here in the Somerset Levels we are particularly blessed. One I had just cycled through...

Rainbow - Wells, Somerset, UK. ID 800_0058

Somerset Rainbows

Recently we have had day after day of dull wet weather.  We have also had starlings that cannot make their minds up on where to roost.  So I was inspired by the recent rainbow...

Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola) - Westhay Moor, Somerset Levels, UK. ID MG_0453


After my last post about hornets, it was time to recover with pictures of something much friendlier and that does not sting.  So this is a rare bird post for me. I saw these...

Hornet (Vespa crabro) - Westhay Moor, Somerset Levels, UK. ID MG_0223

Westhay Hornets

The other day I was at Westhay Moor on the Somerset Levels when I came across a small group of very large hornets.  After spending several scary minutes trying to photograph I had to...

North Drain

Despite its awful name the North Drain is a beautiful waterway that slowly flows through a series of amazing moors in the wide open flat valley of the River Brue on the Somerset Levels....

Old Farm House - Westhay Moor, Somerset Levels, UK. ID MG_5005

Westhay Moor

Recently I have been visiting Tealham, Tadham and Aller moors.  They are fabulous, but they have a neighbouring moor connected to them via the North Drain.  This neighbour can only be Westhay Moor.  ...

Starling evening visit - Shapwick Heath, Somerset, UK. ID DSC_7554

Somerset Starling Guide

My Somerset Starling Guide Over the last few years there have been many changes at the Avalon Marshes.  The number of birds has dropped and the number of visitors has risen.  So I decided it...