Tagged: Wookey Hole

Swell Wood in Spring - Swell, Somerset, UK. ID 810_7812

Get ready for April

Despite the endless rain of this March and the flooding across the Somerset Levels.  We have been promised that spring is on its way. Spring is may peoples favourite season as flowers and butterflies...

Bluebells at Park Wood - Nr Wells, Somerset, UK. ID JB_8061H

Spring Stroll

Over recent weeks the weather has been wet and surprisingly cold.  So when the forecast improved for a day the only thing to do was to attempt to visit all my favourite neighbourhood woods....

Wells - From Yarley Hill, Nr Henton, Somerset, UK. ID JB_7626

Yarley Hill

A few years ago I often visited to this ash tree up on the hill above the village of Yarley in Somerset.  Today, with a favourable weather forecast, I made a nostalgic trip to...

Easter Letter Box - Yarley, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_3617

Happy Easter

I had to stop on my cycle ride to have a look at this wonderful post box in Yarley. Beautiful. Its Easter so here are some lambs… … and some daffodils. And the sun...

Wattles Hill - Wookey Hole, Somerset, UK. ID JB_6474

Wattles Hill

Cowslips on Wattles Hills in early April. Finding these flowers in beautiful low sunlight was the first hint that Wattles Hill was something special. Wattles Hill This unassuming low hill below the much higher...

Deerleap Standing Stones - Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID JB1_3874

Summer mist at Deerleap

If you follow the road out of Wells to Wookey Hole and up the hill to Ebbor Gorge to the car park, then it is only a short walk to the deer leap standing...

Dafodils - Church of St Michael, Dinder, Somerset, UK. ID IMG_4815

Life in Lockdown

When I last posted we had no idea how quickly things were about to change. In a time of spring sunshine we are staying at home.  Who knows what is ahead and when or...

Glastonbury Tor from above Wells - Mendip Hills, Somerset, UK. ID 825_9981

Mendip Panorama

I had a request for a panorama of the Somerset Levels from a specific field high up in the Mendip Hills.  This week the weather had been so fantastic I headed up passed Model...

Winters Horse - Wookey Hole, Somerset, UK. ID 4577

Wookey Hole Snow

Wookey Hole The Mini beast from the east.  A couple of weeks after the Beat from the East when winter overtook spring in Somerset, along came its smaller sibling. The church of St Mary...

Wild Garlic - Milton Wood, Somerset, UK. ID JBA_8649

Another Round of Wild Garlic

Even from the outside you can see that something special is happening in Round Wood between Wells and Wookey Hole in Somerset. For many years I walked this wood each lunch time for a break...